Ok... I wanted something that was pretty, looked nice, didn’t cost the earth and was high quality.

I started researching jewellery manufacturers at the jewellery quarter after all it was pretty much on my doorstep. No one was really interested in making anything, they would source and buy in but not make anything.
I set to the task of talking to manufacturers and started with just a couple of pretty glass beads. Friends and colleagues started loving them and I sold a few, then a few more and the range grew. It was becoming clear we had something what people wanted. Our customers were varied from ladies in their eighties who wanted something pretty and easy to wear and a revelation from their original charm bracelets with soldered on charms. Who remembers those...most of us had one, with loads of those heavy dangling charms. They were memories and birthday presents. I never wear mine but couldn’t part with it.
We sell to little girls who can now afford something that isn’t just fashion jewellery with their pocket money and have something to keep for many years.
Younger girls love our pretty colours and animal charms but then so do our older girls...Our charms and beads are timeless and attract all ages. We registered our brand name and Forever Beads was born.